

What is it?

The MenuBar object displays a menu at the top of the screen, with each menu option leading to a submenu.

MenuBar on Windows

How do I make one?

Create a MenuBar object like this:

from guizero import App, MenuBar
def file_function():
    print("File option")

def edit_function():
    print("Edit option")

app = App()
menubar = MenuBar(app,
                  toplevel=["File", "Edit"],
                      [ ["File option 1", file_function], ["File option 2", file_function] ],
                      [ ["Edit option 1", edit_function], ["Edit option 2", edit_function] ]

Starting parameters

When you create a MenuBar object you must specify all of the parameters.

Parameter Takes Default Compulsory Description
master App - Yes The container to which this widget belongs
toplevel list - Yes A list of top level menu items
options 3D list - Yes A list of submenus, with each submenu being a list of options and each option being a text/command pair. See notes above for more details.

The toplevel parameter should be a list of options you wish to display on the menu. In the example, the toplevel options are File and Edit:

Top level menu on Windows

The options parameter should be a 3D List containing lists of submenu items, which are themselves lists. The elements in the list correspond to the elements in the toplevel list, so the first list of submenu items provided in options will be the submenu for the first menu heading provided in toplevel and so on.

The menu item sub-sublists within options should contain pairs consisting of the text to display on the menu and the function to call when that option is selected. In this example, the text "File option 1" is displayed and the function file_function is called if this option is clicked on.

["File option 1", file_function]

The MenuBar is never displayed on a grid so there are no grid or alignment parameters.


You can call the following methods on an MenuBar object.

Method Takes Returns Description
after(time, command, args=None) time (int), command (function name), args (list of arguments) - Schedules a single call to command after time milliseconds. (To repeatedly call the same command, use repeat())
cancel(command) command (function name) - Cancels a scheduled call to command
destroy() - - Destroys the widget
focus() - - Gives focus to the widget (e.g. focusing a TextBox so that the user can type inside it)
repeat(time, command, args=None) time (int), command (function name), args (list of arguments) - Repeats command every time milliseconds. This is useful for scheduling a function to be regularly called, for example updating a value read from a sensor.


You can set and get the following properties:

Method Data type Description
master App The App object to which this MenuBar belongs
tk tkinter.Menu The internal tkinter object, see Using tkinter