

What is it?

The Drawing object allows shapes, images and text to be created.

Drawing on Windows

How do I make one?

Create a Drawing object and draw a blue rectangle 50x50 pixels like this:

from guizero import App, Drawing
app = App()
drawing = Drawing(app)
drawing.rectangle(10, 10, 60, 60, color="blue")

Starting parameters

When you create a Drawing object you must specify master and you can specify any of the optional parameters. Specify parameters in the brackets, like this: drawing = Drawing(app, height=300, width=300)

Parameter Takes Default Compulsory Description
master App, Window or Box - Yes The container to which this widget belongs
width size None No Set the width of the widget in characters or to "fill"
height size None No Set the height of the widget in characters or to "fill"
grid List [int, int] None - [x,y] coordinates of this widget. This parameter is only required if the master object has a grid layout.
align string None - Alignment of this widget within its container. Possible values: "top", "bottom", "left", "right".
visible boolean True No If the widget should be visible.
enabled boolean None No If the widget should be enabled. If None (the default) the enabled property will be inherited from the master


You can call the following methods on a Drawing object.

Method Takes Returns Description
after(time, command, args=None) time (int), command (function name), args (list of arguments) - Schedules a single call to command after time milliseconds. (To repeatedly call the same command, use repeat())
cancel(command) command (function name) - Cancels a scheduled call to command
clear() - - Clears the drawing
delete() id (int) - - Deletes an "object" (line, triangle, image, etc) from the drawing.
destroy() - - Destroys the widget
disable() - - Disables the widget so that it is "greyed out" and cannot be interacted with
enable() - - Enables the widget
focus() - - Gives focus to the widget
hide() - - Hides the widget from view. This method will unpack the widget from the layout manager.
image(self, x, y, image, width=None, height=None): x (int), y (int), image (str), width (int), height (int) Id Inserts an image into the drawing at the specified position and returns the id of the image created.
line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color="black", width=1) x1 (int), y1 (int), x2 (int), y2 (int), color (str), width (int) Id Draws a line between 2 points and returns the id of the line created.
oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, color="black", outline=False, outline_color="black") x1 (int), y1 (int), x2 (int), y2 (int), color (str), outline (int), outline_color (str) Id Draws an oval between 2 points and returns the id of the shape created.
polygon(*coords, color="black", outline=False, outline_color="black") coords (list int), color (str), outline (int), outline_color (str) Id Draws a polygon between any number of coordinates passed as pairs of x, y and returns the id of the shape created.
rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, color="black", outline=False, outline_color="black") x1 (int), y1 (int), x2 (int), y2 (int), color (str), outline (int), outline_color (str) Id Draws a rectangle between 2 points and returns the id of the shape created.
repeat(time, command, args=None) time (int), command (function name), args (list of arguments) - Repeats command every time milliseconds. This is useful for scheduling a function to be regularly called, for example updating a value read from a sensor.
resize(width, height) width (int), height (int) - Sets the width and height of the widget
show() - - Displays the widget if it was previously hidden
text(x, y, text, color="black", font=None, size=None, bold=None, italic=None, underline=None, overstrike=None, max_width=None) x (int), y (int), text (str), color (str), font (str), size (str), bold (bool), italic (bool), underline (bool), overstrike (bool), max_width (int) Id Inserts text into the drawing at the specified position and returns the id of the shape created.
triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color="black", outline=False, outline_color="black") x1 (int), y1 (int), x2 (int), y2 (int), x3 (int), y3 (int), color (str), outline (int), outline_color (str) Id Draws a triangle between 3 points and returns the id of the shape created.
update_command(command) command (function name) - Updates the function to call when a different option is selected.


You can set and get the following properties:

Method Data type Description
align string The alignment of this widget within its container
bg color The background colour of the widget
enabled boolean True if the widget is enabled
grid List [x,y] coordinates of this widget. This parameter is only required if the master object has a grid
height size Set the height of the widget in characters or to "fill"
master App or Box The container to which this widget belongs
tk tkinter.canvas The internal tkinter object, see Using tkinter
visible boolean If this widget is visible
width size Set the width of the widget in characters or to "fill"

Refer to a property as <name of widget>.property. For example, if your Drawing object is called drawing you would write drawing.bg.

You can set the property (for example drawing.bg = "blue") or get the value of the property to use (for example print(drawing.bg)).


** Draw a robot face **

Use a rectangle for the face, ovals for the eyes, a triangle for the nose and lines for the mouth.

from guizero import App, Drawing

a = App()

# create drawing object
d = Drawing(a, width=220, height=220)
d.rectangle(10, 10, 210, 210, color="light blue")
d.oval(30, 30, 50, 50, color="white", outline=True)
d.oval(170, 30, 190, 50, color="white", outline=True)
d.triangle(110, 90, 120, 110, 100, 110, color="black")
d.line(50, 180, 50, 160, color="red", width=5)
d.line(50, 180, 170, 180, color="red", width=5)
d.line(170, 180, 170, 160, color="red", width=5)


A drawing of a robot face