Loops and sleeping

You may be used to writing programs which contain loops or make use of the sleep() command, but find when you try to use these with guizero they cause your GUI to freeze. This is because guizero (in common with almost all GUIs) operates an event driven model of programming which may be different to the one you are familiar with.

Your first guizero program might look a bit like this:

from guizero import App
app = App("Hello world")

The line of code app.display() doesn't just display the app - it enters an infinite event loop which is watching and waiting for events to happen on the GUI. Events include things like the user clicking on a button, moving a slider, typing in a text box etc. No code written after this line will execute until the application is closed.


Suppose you want a counter on your GUI to start counting up by 1 every second. You might be tempted to write a program like this:

from guizero import App, Text
from time import sleep

app = App("Hello world")
text = Text(app, text="1")
while True:
    text.value = int(text.value) + 1

If you run this program, you'll see that this does not have the desired effect - your program crashes! This is because you have blocked the updating of your GUI in two ways:

  1. The sleep() command - whilst your program is sleeping, the GUI will not update and you will not be able to click on anything.

  2. The while loop - once you enter this loop, your GUI will never update ever again and will probably crash.


This behaviour is not a bug within guizero or tkinter.

You must write GUI based programs in a different way to the one you may be used to. If you want to repeatedly perform an action you would do it like this:

  1. Write a function which performs the desired action (in this example counter())

  2. Set a callback to that function. You can either schedule the same callback to occur repeatedly after a given number of milliseconds (in this example 1000), or you can schedule it only once.

from guizero import App, Text

# Action you would like to perform
def counter():
    text.value = int(text.value) + 1

app = App("Hello world")
text = Text(app, text="1")
text.repeat(1000, counter)  # Schedule call to counter() every 1000ms